Monday, August 2, 2021

Eon is now a Big Boy

Eon is now 11 years old.. The events after his birth are still as fresh as if it happened yesterday..My laziness and my day to day activities have hindered me from updating this blog, not even on a yearly basis. I have a 3rd child now, so Eon is now a Kuya (Big Brother), my youngest is actually already 6 years old. I'm very thankful for the development of Eon, though he is delayed mentally. His motorskills are fine, but his speech and his mental age are like that of a 7 year old. He also has ADHD, and is so impatient with a lot of things. He throws tantrums whenever we try to test his patience. Considering everything that he went through when he was a baby, I'm always so grateful that he is self-reliant when it comes to eating, washing himself (in the toilet). Although he finds it hard to dress himself, he can put his own underwear and shorts on. Putting on a pants is a bit too much for him as of now so I still help him with it. He likes taking baths, and long showers, although he can lather and put shampoo on himself if he wants to, he still calls me to bathe him because he says"the germs are still there".. I think it's just his way of getting my attention. Everyday is a challenge, with his mood swings, and short temperedness. He's in school but he can't read and write as of yet.. Finances has been a struggle these last 5 years and his occupational therapy has been on and off. I wish I could have done more, as a parent of a special child, I think I will forever live with the guilt that I could not do more for my child as much as I would have wanted. I wish I could afford all the therapy, one on one tutors, regular doctor's visit, and provide him with all the healthy food choices money can afford. But I also know that all this guilt tripping will not help me or my family.. We just have to do the best we can, to the best of our ability, and just shower Eon with all the love we can give. I will forever be grateful that Eon has not had any seizures since he was 6 months old. My prayer is that Eon will be able to learn to live independently because I will not be able to be there for him for the rest of his life. But for you who are reading this blog, and are goind through the same experience that I did when Eon was a baby, never lose hope, just trust God and keep on praying.. Everything will be alright.. Your baby will be alright.. Keep the faith! Eon loves fishing
His last Christmas party at school before the Pandemic
Nature trip with Eon and his little brother, Liam

Monday, June 16, 2014

Updating after 2 years.. Endless Gratefulness..

I've not updated my blog for 2 years now.. I've gotten lazy and since I don't have a lot of readers, I thought it's just not worth the time anymore. When I opened my YM today, I saw a friend request and an offline message from a total stranger telling me the he read this blog about my son and wants to know if I have a facebook account. Without hesitation, I gave my Fb user name. I'm so happy that Eon's story is touching the lives of the few who were able to read my outdated blog and I feel guilty that I have not been able to update and document Eon's progress. I will try to squeeze in 2 years of Eon's improvement in this blog, as well as highlight the milestones of his development. I'm really proud to say that Eon has not had a seizure for 4 straight years now and We have been free from maintainance meds for 2 years. Sad to say, Eon was hospitalized in November 2013 due to Dengue, but I'm still Thankful that even if his fever reached 39.8°C (103.64° F), he did not have a seizure attack, and he was able to survive Dengue. Here's Eon while recovering from Dengue.
Eon's development expectedly is delayed. The last time we went to a Developmental Pedia-Neuro, he was diagnosed as having GDD (Global Developmental Delay). His actual age now is 4 years and 6 months, but mentally, he's only about 3 years old. Thankfully, he is now able to say 2-3 syllable words, and can say sentences of 2-3 words. His latest favorite sentence as of yesterday is "What a Joy", mimicking his Lolo as his Lolo keeps on saying this everytime Eon laughs at him. Summer of 2013, Eon enrolled in a summer class at a private SPED school. In June, we transferred him to Lighthouse Alternative Learning School and he was able to learn a lot and interact with other children. Ate Adi (my eldest) has always been protective of his little brother and she's always on Eon's side.
I have not mentioned this in my previous blogs because I did not want to seem like I was selling products, but I think it's time to give a long overdue credit to the supplements Eon has been taking ever since he was 4 months old. My mom gave Eon Fresh Royal Jelly during the height of his seizure attacks and he has been taking a few drops up to this day. I believe that the Fresh Royal Jelly is also a huge factor in Eon's development as it is able to help develop brain cells. Along with that, he's also taking Honey Bee Pollen and Kids 3, all from High Desert. I can't explain the potency or give much details now, but you can google it for more information.
These supplements has also been able to taper Eon's hyperactivity and tantrums. 5 year old Ate Adi is also taking Kids 3 and she's top of her class. She finished Kinder I with honors. She's also Best in Oral Recitation, Math, and Science. My next blog will all be about Ate Adi, her trauma, and her being the big sister even with only 13 months senior to Eon.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Start Of A New Beginning

Eon had his repeat EEG on June 7, 2012. It was by the request of Child Neurologist Dr. Agbisit to check Eon's brain activity and see if it's normal, then his maintenance medicine can be tapered and eventually stopped. He was supposed to be asleep during the procedure so we went there at past 12 noon just in time for his afternoon nap. However, when we got there,it seemed he got so excited he couldn't sleep. He kept on laughing and smiling at the people around him and it actually took us an hour for him to put him to sleep. We cannot put him on the bed because we were afraid putting him down might wake him up, so all the while the EEG was performed, our long time Nanny, Nanay Diding carried him in her arms, I couldn't take him either because it might also wake him up.

On June 12, 2012, we had our scheduled check up with Dr. Agbisit and she gave us the EEG results. She was very pleased to inform us that Eon's EEG is normal and she even said that among all the EEG results that she interpreted that day, only Eon's turned out normal. I couldn't explain the happiness that I felt, finally, after 2 years and 6 months, Eon is finally free of the illness that struck him at birth, Finally, for the first time in his 2 years and 6 months of existence, Eon will be free of maintenance medicines. She gave us instructions on tapering the medicines as it cannot be stopped abruptly. The dosage will be reduced every 2 weeks, starting June 12, until about 7-8 weeks where it will be stopped altogether.
I am down on my knees thanking God for giving me this miracle.Thank you Lord, Your mercy endureth forever! Eon with Dr. Agbisit during his last check up. He was crying and saying "Mommy...."

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Eon's Regular check up update

Eon had his regular check up with Dr. Gilda Agbisit today. We have our check up regularly every 3 months. It used to be monthly but starting around a year ago, Eon was only scheduled once every 3 months because of his improved state.

Eon's last seizure was on July 31, 2010 and last July 2011 we had our thanksgiving celebration to mark his 1st year of being seizure free. Today, Dr. Agbisit informed us Eon should undergo an EEG (Electroencephalography) test on June to measure brain waves and if the results turn out normal, and he does not have any seizure attacks until then, Eon would be maintenance free by July. It was such good news and we can't wait for July to come so Eon can be free of medicines for the first time in his life. Prayers are powerful.

Although there has been set backs with Eon's development, he is able to cope up very well and I don't mind the delay. He started walking independtly at exactly 2 years old, and now at 2 years and 3 months, he is able to say "Mama", "Mommy", "Dada", "Daddy","Nanay", and "Di" this is what he calls his ate Adi. Although we keep on calling Adi "Ate Adi", Eon can only say the last syllable.

Adi always comes with us whenever Eon has his checkups so she understands that her little brother needs extra care. Adi has been exceptional in taking care of Eon, she would always say "Mommy, ako bantay kay Eon ha" (Mommy, I'll take care of Eon) and keeps on saying that she will take care of her little brother when they go to school in the future. She's 3 years old and will be going to school soon. We told her she has to go first because Eon will have to wait another year.

Looking back at the last 2 years, I used to think that the 2-year period in which Eon shouldn't have seizures was light years away. Little did I notice that time has gone too fast and I realize that it was only through prayers that Eon survived and have become seizure free. I know it's still a bit early to celebrate, but I have faith in God and I'm claiming His promise to "Ask and it shall be given"...

I thank God for the wisdom he provided to our Pedia-Neurologist, Dr. Gilda Fernandez- Agbisit, and our Pediatricians, Dr. Norman Babar and Dr. Jinky Deblois. May God bless them and heal through them as He is the Great Physician.

To God be the Glory!

Celebrating Eon's 2nd Birthday (December 7, 2012)

Eon started to walk independently a week after he turned 2

Ate Adi and Eon having laughs together

Eon walking while Ate Adi is behind making sure she's there in case Eon can't hold his balance.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


One of the most common human experiences that two or more (depending on how ambitious you are) people can share is love. But, it's not always easy to tell if you are in like, lust or full blown, forever loving. With that in mind, I've created this list of signs that you may be crazy in love!

1. If you've ever stared deeply into the eyes of your significant other for more than 10 seconds without cracking up hysterically … you may be in love.

2. If every person in your life tells you that she/he's no good and you're mailman, pharmacist and local news station agrees, yet you think they are "just jealous" … you may be in love.

3. Guys: if you've taken the pictures of the other women in you're life off the walls, like the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition posters, Playmate of the month calendar, Monster Truck Rally 2005 … you may be in love.

4. Ladies: men can produce excessive amounts of eye watering, nose burning noxious odor from almost any food or drink, and then aren't above sharing it with others, especially at night. Knowing all this, and you STILL want to sleep in the same bed with him … you may be in love.

5. If your significant other asks you how they look in their new retro polyester lime green outfit and you say they look hot … you may be in love…. or you have a really strong self preservation instinct.

6. Guys: if you've ever given up washing and waxing that new car you just bought to watch "Sleepless in Seattle" with you're girlfriend/wife for the 20th time … you may be in love.

7. If you always remember every anniversary and birthday of your partner, and you're not female … you may be in love.

8. If you think the underwear and socks you get for your birthday and Christmas every year is a pleasant surprise … you may be in love.

9. If you thought the Sears Tool Set and rolling cabinet you got for your birthday was great idea, and you're not male ... you may be in love.

10. If you are taken to Burger King for a romantic dinner, and that doesn't bother you … you may be in love.

11. If you notice your local florist starts arriving at work in a limo since you became a customer ... you may be in love

12. If hearing "Honey, wheres my clean underwear?" brings tears of joy to your eyes ... you may be in love

But the easiest way to tell if you are in love is this: If there is no one on this planet that you would rather spend everyday of your life with than the one you are with … then you ARE in love!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Eon's Thanksgiving Celebration

July 30, 2010, Eon and Adi were having a fever and we took them to the Doctor. On our way home, it was the yaya who was holding Eon in the car and I didn't know that his fever was already so high. When we got home, the yaya put Eon on the bed and I laid beside him so I can take a nap. Just when I was about to lie down, Eon starting shaking and he was already having a seizure. It's been a month since Eon had his last seizure, and I blamed myself for not checking his temperature right away and give him his medicine. The seizure lasted for about 20 or more seconds and he cried right after. I immediately gave him a dose of Paracetamol and his maintenance meds, Phenobarbital and Valproic Acid. His maintenance meds wasn't due for at least an hour, but I decided to give it to him earlier than usual so he doesn't have another seizure attack. At that moment, I prayed and asked God to make that his last Seizure attack. I also said in my prayer that I would throw a Thanksgiving Celebration after 1 year of Eon being seizure free. God fulfilled that promise, and I also fulfilled my end of the deal.

A year has passed since Eon had his last seizure attack, and We hosted a Thanksgiving celebration last July 31, 2011. I didn't invite that much people. I only invited our closest friends who were there during our darkest moments. The people who prayed and fasted for Eon's healing and recovery, after all, it was our means of saying "Thank You" to those who witnessed what the whole family went through and prayed with us throughout the ordeal. I personally invited LB Tabo Small Group # 2,the Four Corners, who sang a Thanksgiving song, and Pastor & Mrs. Sagabay. It was Pastor Sagabay who annointed Eon when he was at the hospital, and it was just fitting that he was the one to conduct the Thanksgiving message. It was a very intimate moment, joined by our closest friends to celebrate the gift of life and normalcy that God gave to my baby Eon.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Are you stressed out? Could you use a break? If I gave you a nickel for every time you heard the word Moooommmmmyyyy - would you be rich? Well, we have all been there! With babies, toddlers and older children to care for along with cooking meals, paying bills, cleaning and playing taxi, finding time for yourself may seem impossible and when you do find a few quiet minutes, many of us are at a loss for what to do.

Taking time out to recharge your batteries is just what you need. So, what's stopping you? Leave your chores behind, just for a little while, and give yourself permission to take a much needed time-out.

Here are just a few of my favorite Stress-Busters:

Put yourself in time out: Allow some alone time for yourself. Use this time to focus on you. Find a place in your home that you can go to and find privacy. You can ask your partner or a friend to take the family out for a few hours while you enjoy your alone time. Do nothing, sleep, read, watch a movie, and just enjoy your solitude.

Talk to a friend: When you are feeling stressed, lean on a good friend. Sit down and enjoy a good conversation, a cup of coffee or a girls day out pampering yourself. Moms find great comfort, support and love in the company of close friends.

Play: As adults, we sometimes forget the beneficial value of play. Play stimulates our imagination, encourages our creativity, boosts our energy, and best of all, it is fun. Try a game of tennis, a game of cards online or perhaps invite some friends over for an evening of adult board games.

Meditate: Meditation has been proven to reduce your blood pressure, and helps to dramatically reduce your stress level. Meditation and/or prayer will help you to keep in touch with your spiritual side. Meditation is a very effective method of relaxation. To meditate, quiet your mind and allow yourself to focus on one thing, such as your breath. Find a relaxed comfortable position where Try visualizing good health and peace as you inhale. While you are breathing out breathe out all of your stress. Set aside approximately 20 minutes for this exercise. Upon completion, you will see just how much more relaxed your mind and body is.

Take a nap: Find a quiet, comfortable spot and take a nap. Even a short power nap can leave you feeling refreshed, renewed, and more focused. Studies have shown that people who spent 30 minutes each day napping had one third less heart disease than those who didn't nap.

Eat: Not just anything but certain things. Studies show that certain foods can help reduce stress. Carbohydrates, will actually soothe you. Good sources of carbohydrates include rice, pasta, potatoes, breads, air-popped popcorn and low-calorie cookies. Experts suggest that the carbohydrates present in just one baked potato or a cup of spaghetti or white rice, is enough to relieve the anxiety of a stressful day.

Source: Readbud