Friday, April 8, 2011

Picture story of Eon's Journey..

Eon at Birth December 7, 2009. For us, he is the most beautiful baby boy ever... Our gift from God..

Eon's first hospital stay, Dec. 12-22, 2009. Hated to see him being pricked..

Eon during his Electroencephalogram test (EEG), Dec. 29, 2009. Thank God the results came out normal, however, we were still baffled as to why he was having seizures and we were back at square one.

Eon during his CT Scan, March 22, 2010. The results also came out normal, thank God..

Eon's 3rd and last hospital stay, March 20-April 7, 2010.

April 14, 2010. A week after being discharged from the hospital, Eon is now a smiling, happy baby boy..

Glory be to God!!

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