Monday, August 2, 2021

Eon is now a Big Boy

Eon is now 11 years old.. The events after his birth are still as fresh as if it happened yesterday..My laziness and my day to day activities have hindered me from updating this blog, not even on a yearly basis. I have a 3rd child now, so Eon is now a Kuya (Big Brother), my youngest is actually already 6 years old. I'm very thankful for the development of Eon, though he is delayed mentally. His motorskills are fine, but his speech and his mental age are like that of a 7 year old. He also has ADHD, and is so impatient with a lot of things. He throws tantrums whenever we try to test his patience. Considering everything that he went through when he was a baby, I'm always so grateful that he is self-reliant when it comes to eating, washing himself (in the toilet). Although he finds it hard to dress himself, he can put his own underwear and shorts on. Putting on a pants is a bit too much for him as of now so I still help him with it. He likes taking baths, and long showers, although he can lather and put shampoo on himself if he wants to, he still calls me to bathe him because he says"the germs are still there".. I think it's just his way of getting my attention. Everyday is a challenge, with his mood swings, and short temperedness. He's in school but he can't read and write as of yet.. Finances has been a struggle these last 5 years and his occupational therapy has been on and off. I wish I could have done more, as a parent of a special child, I think I will forever live with the guilt that I could not do more for my child as much as I would have wanted. I wish I could afford all the therapy, one on one tutors, regular doctor's visit, and provide him with all the healthy food choices money can afford. But I also know that all this guilt tripping will not help me or my family.. We just have to do the best we can, to the best of our ability, and just shower Eon with all the love we can give. I will forever be grateful that Eon has not had any seizures since he was 6 months old. My prayer is that Eon will be able to learn to live independently because I will not be able to be there for him for the rest of his life. But for you who are reading this blog, and are goind through the same experience that I did when Eon was a baby, never lose hope, just trust God and keep on praying.. Everything will be alright.. Your baby will be alright.. Keep the faith! Eon loves fishing
His last Christmas party at school before the Pandemic
Nature trip with Eon and his little brother, Liam